
Released: April 21, 2020
Tags: Zandronum, ZDaemon, GZDoom, Multiplayer, ACS, DECORATE

Dominatrix is a highly configurable control points gamemode for Zandronum and ZDaemon multiplayer source ports. This project started because Zandronum includes a control points gamemode built-in, but there have long been complaints of it being very inflexible. The gamemode requires maps be custom tailored to work with it, as the control points themselves are map sectors. Dominatrix instead uses objects to act as the control point, meaning that said objects can be spawned dynamically on the map's start with some scripts. To do this, a user simply needs to jot down coordinates of where they want the CP's to be placed, and then write a 3-4 line script to spawn them when the map starts. The code for this gamemode is heavily documented, and features a ton of customization console variables for servers to set up the game to their liking (including other variants of the gamemode like King of the Hill and Double Domination).

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