This page is a collection of things™ I have done over the years. This is not a comprehensive list, otherwise this page would be littered with small or unfinished projects!
Last updated Jan 23 2025
Everyone's favorite game engine, now with 100% less Runtime Fees!
After deciding to move on from Game Maker, I made a choice between doing N64 homebrew, or development in Unity. I ultimately chose N64, but I still dabbled with a little bit of Unity!
That engine that makes dev textures bring your computer to its knees.
While I didn't really get that much of a chance to play with Unreal during the 4.26 days (due to my very limited hardware), I did get some playtime with it. Now that I have a proper PC, I have been working with Unreal Engine all the way until 5.3.
Because game development isn't hard enough, I chose to take up a console where I need to develop everything from scratch!
Being a bit disappointed with being forced to use nothing but Java in my computer science degree, I decided to take up Nintendo 64 homebrew development as a way to fill in the gaps that I felt were missing from my classes. Ultimately, I think I made the right choice, because this console forced me to seriously learn programming. While the N64 is a relatively beefy machine, it is still very much in the realm of embedded systems programming, where you need to know the hardware well and profile your code, lest your game run at sub 15 FPS (or you wreck the stack).
I am also the current owner of the N64brew community on Discord, where I have been serving as both a moderator and trying to help out with programming related inquiries. I am also one of the main organizers for the N64brew Game Jam that we try to host every year.
Before there were Halo mods, there were Doom mods.
Doom modding was one of the first forays into game development as a child, and I haven't stopped since. Although I do a little bit of mapping here and there, writing ACS and DECORATE is where I shine.
A very sophisticated development environment where you will spend a lot of time posing ragdolls in questionable positions.
If Game Maker was what introduced me to programming, GMod is what gave me the sandbox to refine it. Not only that, I picked up a bunch of other skills, including 3D modeling, rigging, and animation. My speciality is mostly guns and gamemodes, but I have dabbled in a little bit of everything over the years.
A fantastic engine for 2D games, not so much for everything else.
I started making things back in Game Maker 5 at the age of 9, and I worked all the way up to GM Studio 1.4. Unfortunately, most of the things I made were published on the (now defunct) YoYo Games Sandbox... Game Maker is a fantastic engine for 2D projects, but after moving on to GM8 I started really wanting to push the engine to making 3D games. It wasn't really its strong suit, and it didn't really provide tooling or even collision functions for it. That meant that I had to start learning game development "properly", like implementing collisions, physics, and tooling.
As is the usually the case for most people, a huge chunk of my projects have gone unfinished, but here are some things which I think are worth looking at. The dates for a lot of these unfinished projects are the rough estimate of when I stopped working on them, based on file dates.
Because looking at Ghidra and a hex editor is my idea of a "fun afternoon".
As a big proponent of right to repair and the preservation of games, reverse engineering is something that is straight up my alley.
I like to make myself look silly. Oh and the looks on people's faces when they see their favorite characters brought to life is also a plus :)
Since I'm a trained pianist and singer with a very particular music taste (a bad one), I often struggle to find accurate scores of songs I enjoy. So, I take it upon myself to transcribe what I hear by ear and write it down using some ancient software known as Mozart. I have since moved to MuseScore because opening a virtual machine to compose was starting to get a little silly...
Anything which didn't fit above goes here, duh.
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