[Unfinished] 3D Platformer

Released: August 12, 2015
Tags: GML, Game Maker 8

Very descriptive title, I know. In my many "I will finish this game, I swear" journeys during my teenage years, this project was another such victim. The original plan was to have a 2.5D sidescroller game with characters being animated billboards, and it was going to follow a similar vein to Mystical Ninja 2: Starring Goemon, where you have towns, levels, and castles in each world. Being 2D helped tremendously because it made collision detection and level design much easier, as the 3rd dimension is towards the screen and does not impact gameplay at all.

I did get quite far, having made two very functional levels and half of the castle level. Why did this project fail then? I realized that I would need to do a lot of sprite work for the characters, which was not something I felt like doing, so I dropped it on the floor like one drops a priceless Fabergé egg.

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