Before making the Space Invaders Clone, I tried to make my own take on the Super Mario Bros. franchise. This was a game called "Super Mario Mix", and it has such an epic story and crazy crossovers that it needed to be split into two games (I don't remember why I did this, I think I just found the number of objects I had in the game overwhelming...? So the game just ends abruptly and tells you to go play the sequel)! Despite SMM being incredibly amateurish, I actually got accused of plagarism! Someone claimed that my game was "the sum of two to three engines" and that I should credit the original authors. Honestly, I'm still really baffled by that statement... I wrote the whole thing from scratch! I worked rly hard on that game!!!1!
SMM was quite buggy, and while it did end up telling the story I wanted to tell, I also wanted to make my own proper Super Mario Bros. clone. So I finally moved on from GM5 so I could get some better collision features, got to work, and in a few months I spat this game out to little fanfare. While the mechanics and power-ups don't stray very far from the original SMB (with the exception of a poison mushroom), the levels are very different. It's actually more like my own take on the Super Mario Bros.: Lost Levels than a clone of the original game.